Loud Popping Sound in House Electrical – 4 Ways to Easily Fix It

One of the most annoying things you can experience in your house is hearing loud, random noises, especially at night, and not knowing where they’re coming from. However, if this is the cause with house electrical, it isn’t only annoying, but dangerous, as well.

As you already know, house electrical is very complex and even the slightest problem could cause serious damage, so it is important to act quickly and detect the core issue. Also, bigger problems will certainly call for professional help.

When it comes to determining the cause of this loud popping sound and fixing smaller issues, this is something you can do on your own. 

Why is my house electrical making loud popping sounds?

The key factor in solving the problem in the long run and finding an adequate solution is detecting the core issue. When it comes to these loud noises in house electrical, the list of potential causes is quite extensive, and it includes both serious and minor issues.

Sometimes, this particular phase can get rather complicated, especially if you don’t have much experience with electrical matters. If this is the case, we advise hiring an electrician both for inspecting the house and fixing the issue.

In order to make it easier for you to pinpoint the actual issue, we will list potential problems according to the sound they’re making. Usually, the rule of thumb is the louder the noise – the bigger the issue, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. 

1. Circuit breaker buzzing

In this case, there’s probably no need to panic. Buzzing, especially if it isn’t too loud, and if it’s coming from your circuit breaker, is nothing to worry about. This is the sound your circuit breaker is supposed to make, and it is nothing to be alarmed about.

Nevertheless, if you hear your circuit breaker making crackling noise that is a bit louder, this could be a potential issue. Light humming or buzzing is the sound it should make, but crackling or clicking could indicate a more serious issue. 

If this is the case, it is necessary to contact an electrician and have them check out the circuit breaker for any damages or failures.

2. Circuit breaker humming

This isn’t normal activity and it certainly isn’t something you should ignore. In this case, it is best to have a professional inspect your house electrical as soon as possible, to avoid any bigger problems and damages.

One of the potential problems, in this case, could be an overloaded circuit breaker, which is a rather serious matter and a problem that could trigger a series of other issues in your home, so it requires immediate assistance.

Another potential issue is a faulty breaker box, especially if you hear a loud humming noise. Basically, anything that is out of the ordinary and doesn’t seem like the normal sound a breaker box would make is considered alarming. 

A sizzling, popping or sparkling noise is a huge red flag, as it could indicate a serious issue in the wiring in your home. This is one of the most dangerous scenarios that require immediate action since loose wiring could potentially cause a fire.

3. Circuit breaker popping sound

Contact an electrician immediately! Loud popping or buzzing noise, especially if it is persistent, is a sign of a serious problem in your electrical system, and you want to have a professional inspect it the moment you realize something’s wrong.

Whether this sound is coming from the circuit breaker or the breaker panel, it means that there is a serious failure happening. In certain situations, the damage can be repaired, but usually, you’ll have to replace the faulty element in the electrical system.

In case you don’t replace a faulty circuit breaker, it could damage the wiring, causing an even bigger problem. It is safe to say that it is much easier and affordable to replace a faulty circuit breaker than to solve a bad wiring problem.

Whether the problem hasn’t reached the wires yet, or it has spread to wiring, it is crucial to contact a licensed electrician and have them repair or replace whatever it is that is causing this issue.

How to fix loud popping sound in house electrical

While the sound can usually tell us how serious of an issue we’re dealing with and how urgent it is, it cannot really indicate the actual problem. When it comes to electrical system malfunctioning, there are plenty of potential options, but we’ve tried to narrow them down.

In addition to listing and explaining the potential troubles, we will also present some of the most efficient solutions for these issues. However, it is recommended to leave more complex tasks to professionals, especially if you’ve never dealt with similar projects before. 

Here’s what could be causing an electrical popping sound, and the best solution for each problem.

1. Installation issues

If you constantly hear a crackling noise in-wall electrical, it could be that you have some serious installation issues. In this case, the loud popping sound could indicate a problem in the installation of a socket or an appliance in your home.

The popping sound comes as a consequence of loose wiring or arcing electricity, which is a rather alarming issue. Arcing electricity could lead to a fire in your home, or completely destroy your appliances.

Also, if you hear the breaker box making a clicking noise, there could be a serious problem with the breaker box, or its wiring. The arcing electricity often causes a loud popping sound, which happens when a wire is broken and the air from it reaches a metal surface.

If you notice these issues, it is important to contact a professional as soon as possible and stay away from the appliance in question. However, if you have experience dealing with electrical failures, here are the steps to fix this issue:

  1. In case you notice a loose connection, you should secure the wires with screw terminals and make sure they’re tightened. 
  2. If the problem is in arcing electricity, the best thing you can do is install Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters. However, in this case, your best bet is to hire an electrician. 

2. Fix or replace faulty sockets

If the annoying popping, buzzing, or crackling sound you’re hearing is coming from the socket, it is quite possible that the issue lies in the socket itself. It could be a problem with the socket wires or a damaged socket that needs to be replaced.

One of the worst things about a faulty socket is that it may cause arcing electricity, and we already know how dangerous it can be. If the problem is in loose wires, it is necessary to put them back into place. Damaged wiring, on the other hand, requires replacement. 

In more serious cases, you will have to replace the socket altogether. This is the best thing you can do since a damaged socket could easily damage the appliances you plug in or cause a bigger problem in the electrical system in your home. 

In case the sockets aren’t replaced when they’re not functioning properly, damaged wiring could even result in a fire, or in a huge electrical failure that could seriously damage your household.

In order to avoid these issues, it is necessary to inspect your sockets monthly, purchase the sockets from licensed sellers, and make sure not to burden the socket with many power extension cables. 

3. Inspect your house for insects

Perhaps this is the last possibility you would think of, but yes – it is possible for insects such as bugs, ants, termites, and even spiders to crawl into the socket and cause the annoying popping noise you keep hearing from your walls.

Besides the noise they make, they can cause bigger trouble by damaging the wires or contributing to corrosion in the electrical system. To stop this from happening, it is necessary to open up the socket and inspect it for any insects.

What’s more, insects could also be hiding in your appliances, damaging electrical and producing that crackling sound. The best solution for this problem is to have your entire house inspected so you can get rid of insects altogether.

Even if you manage to remove them from the socket or the appliance momentarily, if there are more of them in your home, they may crawl back in and you’re back to zero. 

4. Protect sockets from moisture

You already know that moisture and electricity don’t mix, and this is a frequent issue in humid rooms in your house, such as the kitchen and the bathroom. This happens when a little bit of water enters a socket, which causes a crackling sound. 

This isn’t a big issue as long as a small amount of water is in question. However, you should make sure to protect the sockets in case of any leaks, as that could cause an electrical failure. 

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