Toilet Water Is Brown: 9 Fast & Easy Ways To Fix It Now

Brown water constantly coming from the toilet is not a pretty sight.  You might try flushing down the bowl multiple times, yet nothing is fixed.

This unusual situation leaves you wondering about the cause of this unpleasant scene.

Despite going above and beyond in keeping your toilet clean and sanitized, you end up with disgusting brown water sitting down your bowl.

There are different reasons why your toilet water is brown, including rusty pipes and dirty water supply.

All of these explanations are too complex to handle. That’s what I thought the first time this colored water appeared down my toilet.

However, I found simple and reliable fixes helpful in this situation. So stay calm and read on to get a proper insight.

Why Your Toilet Water is Brown?

Contrary to what you might believe, this problem is common in many households.

Typically, rusted or corroded pipes will reach various homes and apartments.

Also, contaminated water supply does not affect one household. It can affect multiple residential areas.

However, the causes go beyond these two. Your toilet may contain rusty components, or there might be some weakness in the flush power.

Moreover, mineral buildup in the water may cause the brownish water.

So, without further ado, let’s get to these causes and the proper ways to address them:

1. Mineral Buildup in the Toilet tanks

It appears completely transparent whenever you fill a glass of water from your tap.

However, this does not mean it is free of mineral deposits and debris. On porcelain surfaces like your toilet bowl, minerals may cause some discoloration.

Things become more evident when water use is increased in the bowl.

You might not see these minerals with the naked eye, but they find their way to the invisible scattered stains all over the bowl.

Eventually, the water gets an unusual brown color despite the clean appearance of the bowl.

2. The Toilet has Rusty Metal components

The shiny appearance of your porcelain toilet may lead you to believe there are no metals inside it.

However, any toilet out there contains a few metals inside. These metals keep the toilet parts attached.

When you have a rusty toilet, it is corroded tank bolts or nuts.

Such a thing does not only make toilet water brown but also emits a swamp-like smell over time.

Ignoring this issue will eventually force you to replace the whole toilet. Luckily, you can take proper action before it is too late.

3. Rusty Water Pipes

This is a common issue in older buildings, especially those with iron pipes.

Also, houses with galvanized pipes were common in the 1960s constructions.

Unfortunately, pipe corrosion is a complicated problem that is difficult to diagnose.  You will need a professional plumber by your side.

Also, it results in brown water in the toilet.

4. Dirty Bowl 

This issue lies entirely on you, as your responsibility is to clean the toilet. If your bowl is unclean, you will have dirty toilet water.

You might be too busy to regularly clean your toilet, especially if your home has more than one.

So, over time the unclean bowl will develop stuck blue stains that make the water appear brown.

Luckily, the fix for this issue is straightforward.

5. Weak Flush Power 

Another simple issue that leads to dirty bowl water is decreased flush power.

This simple problem results in the accumulation of waste leftovers inside the bowl.

When your toilet fails to flush away all the waste, this will gradually turn the water brown.

Moreover, the toilet will have a foul smell as the waste remains unflushed.

6. Broken Water Pump

The water pump may suggest you are dealing with a huge plumping component.

However, this pump is a tiny component attached to the toilet tank. This component is also known as a fill valve.

It is responsible for recirculating the water supply. To function properly, there should be adequate water pressure.

Otherwise, the valve will store some water inside, which will later turn into brownish stains on the bowl.

7. The Presence of Iron Bacteria in the Toilet 

This type of bacteria is not known to many homeowners.

However, these microorganisms are to blame for the formation of rusty bacterial cells in shallow water.

You can recognize the presence of these bacteria in your toilet by the appearance of their deposits.

They leave behind dark brown sticky sludges on the bowl surface.

8. Check for Clogged pipes 

Clogged water pipes affect the water pressure and the overall supply inside the house.

This may subsequently contribute to the formation of brown stains as there will be a weak flush.

Also, the clogging in the pipes will lead to further clogging. Eventually, the flush water will backflow and bring along unclean debris.

This debris will contaminate and discolor the water.

9. Living Near a Sediment-full Well 

This cause is rare, as the ones mentioned above, but it is still a culprit.

Water from wells is higher in minerals and sediments when compared to municipal water.

Your water pump can draw this unclean water, which may lead to discoloring your toilet water.

How to Fix Brown Toilet Water?

Problems related to water pipes are believed to be too complex.

This can be true in part, but sometimes you can fix things on your side that may improve your situation.

For instance, you can use water softeners in your main hot water upstream to eliminate mineral deposits.

Moreover, you integrate a filter into your water system to avoid sediments mixing with your water.

The solutions are so many that you might need help figuring out where to start.

So, let’s delve deeper into these solutions to remove brown water from your toilet permanently.

1. Use an Eco-friendly Solution 

If dirty water becomes stuck in your toilet, using strong chemicals to clean it might not be the greatest idea.

It is better to go green by using organic materials to clean the pipe.

Chemical cleaners may clean the water tanks and remove debris immediately.

But the bowl, over time, may lose its shine with frequent application.

Moreover, pouring such chemicals down the tank will end up damaging it.

You can use a biological material that is not expensive and found in all homes.

Yes, we’re talking about white vinegar solution.

Open the toilet tank and pour 3 cups of vinegar there.

Scatter another cup around the bowl and use the toilet brush to remove any noticeable stains.

Then flush the vinegar solution to restore the transparent bowl water.

2. Replace Corroded Components 

Metals of your toilet come in contact with water almost all the time.

This increases the chances of corrosion and rust and, subsequently, the formation of brown toilet water.

So, in this case, the best thing to do is to thoroughly inspect the toilet for rusty parts and replace them accordingly.

3. Use Water Softeners 

When iron particles almost clog your pipes, you can flush the pipes with cleaning solutions to remove the accumulated rust.

You can add water softeners to dissolve and loosen the buildup.

Also, you may use a mix of distilled vinegar and salt.

Either solutions are temporary, and the problem may reoccur very soon.

The other efficient solution is costly and requires much work; replacing the old rusty pipes.

Keep in mind this is not a DIY fix.

You will need to consult with a plumbing professional.

4. Give your Toilet a Deep Clean

Cleaning toilets is one of the least enjoyable house chores.

But ignoring it will affect your health and overall comfort.

If your toilet lacks proper cleaning, the solution is easy.

Bring along your toilet brush as well as your preferred toilet cleaners and scrub thoroughly.

Make sure all the stuck organic matters are removed.

It is recommended to wear rubber gloves while doing so for sanitary reasons.

5. Improve the Flush Power 

This is an easy DIY remedy that only takes adjusting the position of the cylindrical float, which rises once the water level increases inside the tank.

By doing so, you will restore a powerful flush.

This way, no waste particles will be stuck all over the bowl.

6. Replace the Faulty Pump

This pump contains some metal parts that lead to corrosion due to constant interaction with water.

As rust and corrosion eat up the valve, it malfunctions and leaks brown stains into the bowl.

So, the only thing to do in this situation is to install a new water pump.

7. Use Chemical Bathroom Cleaners

Although there are better approaches than regular bathroom cleaning, a chemical commercial cleaner like chlorine products will disinfect and clean your toilet from iron bacteria.

To create an effective cleaning solution, use one part of the bleach product for three parts of lukewarm water.

Pour them down the toilet and scrub heavily until the sticky stains are removed.

8. Remove Clogging from the Toilet

This is another unpleasant chore that takes some effort from you.

Neglecting this issue leaves you with a constant flow of brown water and a foul smell.

Remember that a clogged toilet is much simpler to handle independently than blocked pipes.

To successfully unclog your toilet, you can use a plunger and pour a couple of hot water buckets.

Sometimes using Epsom salt is effective in unclogging toilets too.

The proper application requires pouring a generous amount of salt into the bowl and letting it sit for around 30 minutes.

Then pour a bucket of boiling water into the bowl. 

These efforts, though, wouldn’t be enough if the pipes were blocked.

You will have to consult with a plumber.

9. Seek Professional Help 

When living near a contaminated well, there is only little you can do other than consult with a reliable plumper.

They can suggest improved filtration methods or help you dig a new well to draw cleaner water.

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