LG Washer OE Code: Causes & 5 Ways To Fix It Now

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably dealing with a frustrating problem: your LG washing machine keeps showing the OE error code. This error can be alarming, especially if you need clarification on what it means or how to fix it. But don’t worry, we’re here to help.

In this article, we’ll explain what the OE code means and the most common causes of this error. We’ll also provide you with some practical solutions that you can attempt to fix the issue and get your LG washer back up and running.

So, if you’re ready to tackle the OE error code and restore your washer to its former glory, keep reading. We’ve got you covered.

LG Washer OE Code
The main cause of the LG Washer OE Code is a problem with the draining system (i.e., a drain issue). A clogged drain hose, kinked drain hose, dirty filter, malfunctioning pump, improper installation, or faulty control board can cause this. When the draining system fails, water can back up in the washer, triggering the OE error code.

What causes LG Washer OE Code?

The OE error code on an LG washing machine usually indicates a problem with the draining system. Here are some of the most common causes of the OE error code:

1. Clogged Drain Hose

The drain hose carries the water from the washer to the drain, and if it becomes clogged, the water cannot flow out of the machine.

A clogged drain hose is the most common cause of the OE error code in LG washers. Debris, like lint, dirt, and other particles, can accumulate in the hose over time, blocking the water’s flow and leading to water backup in the machine.

2. Dirty or Clogged Filter

LG washers are equipped with a filter that traps debris and other particles during washing. If the filter becomes dirty or clogged, it can prevent the water from draining correctly, leading to the OE error code.

It’s essential to clean the filter regularly to prevent blockages and ensure the washer’s proper functioning.

3. Malfunctioning Pump

The pump is responsible for pumping the water out of the washing machine during draining. If the pump fails to operate correctly, it can cause an OE error code. Common reasons for pump failure include clogs, damage to the impeller, and electrical issues.

4. Improper Installation

Improper installation of the LG washer can also cause the OE error code. The drain hose must be installed correctly to ensure water flows out of the machine properly.

If the hose is kinked, improperly connected, or not inserted far enough into the drain, it can cause water backup in the machine and trigger the OE error code.

5. Faulty Control Board

The control board is the central component that manages the washer’s functions, including the draining system. If the control board malfunctions, it can cause various issues, including the OE error code.

Electrical surges, power outages, and software glitches are common causes of control board failure.

How to Fix LG Washer OE Error Code

Here are some steps to help you fix the LG Washer OE error code:

1. Check for blockages in the drain hose

A blockage in the drain hose is one of the most common causes of the OE error code.

To check for blockages, start by unplugging the washer and pulling it away from the wall (or power source). Locate the drain hose (usually found at the back of the washer) and detach it from the drain pipe or standpipe.

Check the hose for any kinks or bends preventing proper drainage. If the hose appears to be clear, use a flashlight to inspect the inside of the hose for any clogs or debris.

If you find a blockage, carefully remove it using a long, flexible object like a plumbing snake or a wire hanger.

2. Clean the filter

The drain filter on an LG washer is responsible for capturing any debris that may be present in the water. Over time, the filter can become clogged with lint, hair, and other debris, preventing proper drainage and triggering the OE error code. To fix this, you need to perform a tub clean cycle.

To clean the drain filter, locate it on your LG washer (refer to the manual if you need help finding it). Please switch off the washer and unplug it from the wall (or socket).

Open the drain pump filter cover and use a small brush or soft cloth to remove debris (i.e., to clean the drain pump filter). Once the drain pump filter is clean, replace the cover and plug the washer back in.

3. Check the drain pipe

If neither the hose nor the filter is causing the issue, the problem may lie with the drain pipe.

The drain pipe is responsible for removing water from the washer during the draining process, and if it’s clogged or malfunctioning, it can trigger the OE error code.

To check, start by unplugging the washer and removing the access panel at the bottom of the unit.

Locate the pipe and check for any debris that may be blocking it. If you find anything, remove it and try rerunning the washer.

If it appears clear, use a multimeter to test for continuity. If the pipe is faulty, it will need to be replaced.

4. Check the water level sensor

The water level sensor detects how much water is in the washer. If it’s malfunctioning, it may be causing the OE error code.

To check the sensor, unplug the washer and remove the top panel.

Locate the sensor and ensure it’s properly connected and free of debris or buildup. If the sensor appears to be faulty, it will need to be replaced.

5. Call a Professional

If you’ve tried all the above solutions and are still experiencing the OE error code, it may be time to call a professional.

A certified LG technician can diagnose and repair the issue quickly and safely, ensuring that your washer is back up and running in no time.

It’s important to note that trying to repair the washer yourself can be dangerous and may void the warranty, so it’s always best to seek professional help if you need help with what to do.

How to Prevent LG Washer OE Code

Here are some tips to prevent the LG Washer OE error code from occurring:

1. Regularly clean the washer

Cleaning your washer is an essential step in preventing the OE error code. Over time, debris and lint can build up in the drum and around the door seal, leading to clogs and other issues.

To prevent this, wipe down the door seal and drum with a damp cloth after each use.

Additionally, running clean cycles once a month can help remove any buildup and keep your washer running smoothly.

2. Avoid overloading the washer

Overloading your washer can cause strain on the machine and lead to errors such as OE.

To prevent this, load your washer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Don’t stuff too many clothes into the washer, as this can prevent proper water circulation and drainage.

3. Use the right type and amount of detergent

Using the wrong type or too much detergent can cause suds to build up in the washer, leading to errors such as OE.

To prevent this, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct amount and type of detergent. Too little detergent can also lead to buildup and stains on your clothes.

4. Check and clean the drain hose and filter

A clogged drain hose or filter can cause water to return to the washer, resulting in the OE error code. To prevent this, regularly check and clean the drain hose and filter. You can do this by disconnecting the drain hose from the back of the washer and checking for clogs or kinks.

If you find a blockage, remove it and reconnect the hose. You can also clean the filter by locating it on your LG washer and removing any debris or buildup, preventing proper drainage.

5. Use hot water for white and heavily soiled items

Hot water helps dissolve detergent and remove stains, preventing buildup and clogs in the washer. Use hot water (or warm water) for whites and heavily soiled items to ensure proper cleaning and prevent clogs.

Following these tips above can help prevent the LG Washer OE error code and ensure your washer runs smoothly for years.

Regular maintenance and proper usage can help extend your washer’s lifespan and prevent costly repairs.

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