Samsung Washer 4C Code: Causes & 7 Ways To Fix It Now

Samsung makes some of the most popular washer models on the market, widely praised for their reliability and the vast array of wash cycle options.

However, from time to time, these machines can run into problems which are indicated by an error code displayed on the front control panel. The 4C error code is one of the most common errors to occur but often leaves users confused as the code itself does little to help inform you of what’s happening.

This article will cover all the causes behind this error code and walk you through how to get it fixed and back in working order as quickly and easily as possible.

Samsung Washer 4C Code
The Samsung Washer 4C code indicates that there is a water supply issue that might be the result of a kink in the water supply hose, a blockage in the water supply hose and mesh filters, or a faulty inlet valve that needs replacing.

What Causes Samsung Washer 4C Code?

If you have a 4C error on your Samsung Washer, it means an issue has been detected with the water supply. There are several potential reasons why this might happen. It could be a clogged-up or kinked supply hose, low water pressure, or the inlet valve may have failed.

So let’s first look at the primary causes of this issue so you can correctly diagnose what’s happening with your machine.

1. Your Home’s Water Taps Aren’t Opened

A washer will receive the hot and cold water from your water taps. So if they aren’t working, or are only partially open, then the washer won’t be able to receive enough water to operate.

You’ll need to double-check that your home’s water supply is working, the taps are fully open, and the washer is supplied with enough pressure to meet the 20psi requirement to open the water inlet valve.

2. The Water Hose is Clogged Up

If you live in an area with particularly hard water, mineral deposits may have accumulated inside the hose. When neglected for prolonged periods, these deposits may restrict the amount of water that can reach the washer.

The hose must be removed from the washer and thoroughly cleaned to remove the deposit build-up.

3. The Water Hose is Kinked or Pinched

A very common way the water supply becomes restricted is when there is a bend, kink, or pinch in the water hose, preventing enough water from making it to the machine.

This usually happens when the washer is pushed too close to the wall, putting a sharp bend in the hose. You’ll need to pull the washer out and arrange the hose so the water can freely flow through it.

4. The Mesh Filters Are Clogged

At the L-shaped water supply connection point where the hose meets the washer is a mesh hose designed to catch larger debris pieces and prevent them from getting into the washing machine.

Over time this water hose mesh filter may become so clogged that it restricts the water flow. When this happens, the hot and cold water mesh filters must be removed from the washer and cleaned.

5. The Detergent Tray Needs Cleaning

Over time, or due to not using the right type and amount of detergent, the tray may become clogged with built-up detergent residue. Water needs to pass through the detergent dispenser before it can get into the machine, so if the tray is clogged up, the water is effectively blocked.

The detergent dispenser will need to be cleaned out, and you’ll need to ensure you’re using the correct detergent brand and amount as indicated on the packet instructions. Otherwise, the excessive suds may cause the problem to return.

6. The Washer Needs Resetting

Sometimes this error can appear due to a simple glitch or bug in the system. The good news is that a simple washer power cycle will often fix this problem and restore it to working order.

7. The Water Inlet Valve is Faulty

A few problems can occur with the water inlet valve, which may prevent it from letting water into the machine. Firstly the valve solenoid, which physically opens the valve, may have failed and required replacing.

There may also be a problem with a mineral build-up preventing the valve from opening; this build-up often damages the valve to such a degree that it cannot be replaced.

So the usual course of action is to replace the valve completely.

How to Fix the Samsung Washer 4C Code

As you can see, this error code is most commonly triggered by some kind of blockage or build-up restricting the water from flowing into the machine, which then causes the error code to occur.

Now that you have a better understanding of where these blockages and problems can occur let’s look at how to fix them and get your washer back in working order.

1. Check your Home’s Water Supply

The first thing to do is check your home can supply both hot and cold water at the required pressure. Start by ensuring both your water taps are fully open to let enough water flow into the machine.

If the water pressure is under 20psi, it will not be able to open the water inlet valve, so you should also increase the water pressure to be above 20psi, but no higher than 116psi, as it may damage the valve.

If there are further issues with your home’s supply of water, then you may need to contact a local plumber to assist in fixing the problem.

2. Clean Out the Water Hose

If the water hose is clogged up, it may restrict the water flow into the washer. Unfortunately, mineral deposit build-ups can often be too stubborn to be washed away with just hot water, so you’ll need to clean it out with a stronger cleaning solution.

Start by removing the hose from the washer and taking it over to the sink. Pour boiling water through it to remove as many loose deposits as possible.

Then create an equal parts mixture of baking soda and vinegar and pour it down the hose; rotate the hose to ensure everything gets coated.

Wait 5-10 minutes for the cleaning solution to break down the stuck deposits. After enough time has passed, rinse the hose thoroughly and reinstall it.

3. Unkink the Water Hose

If the water hose is kinked or pinched, then water won’t be able to flow into the washer.

Start by pulling the washer away from the wall. Check the hose carefully for damage, cracks, or splits that may cause leaking; if any are located, the hose should be replaced with a new one.

Then you need to arrange the hose so nothing gets pinched, and water can flow through it cleanly. Carefully push the water back into place, being mindful not to re-pinch the hose by pushing it too close to the wall.

4. Clean Out the Mesh Filters

If the mesh filters are clogged, they will need to be cleaned out.

  1. Turn the water supply off.
  2. Remove the two L-shaped arm attachments which attach the hose to the water.
  3. This will reveal the two mesh filters: one for hot and one for cold. Take a pair of pliers and pull both of the filters out.
  4. Clean them under warm running water to wash off any debris or built-up gunk. You can also scrub it gently with an old toothbrush if needed.
  5. Reinstall the mesh filters and inlet hose, and start the machine back up.

5. Clean Out the Detergent Drawer

If there is a detergent build-up in the tray, it will need to be cleaned out. All you need to do here is fully remove the tray from the machine and clean it with hot soapy water.

If the build-up is particularly stubborn, you can use a baking soda and vinegar solution again to break up the stuck detergent.

Additionally, you should ensure you only use the correct detergent type for your washer. For example, if you have a high-efficiency washer, you should only use HE detergent.

You should also only use the amount of detergent specified on the packet. Remember, more detergent doesn’t mean cleaner clothes!

6. Power Cycle the Washer

Power cycling or a hard reset can often remove unusual bugs and glitches. All you need to do is turn the washer off and unplug it from the power supply.

Wait 2-3 minutes to let the capacitors fully discharge, then start the washer back up.

7. Replace the Water Inlet Valve

If the water supply valve has been tested for continuity and found to be faulty, it must be replaced.

  1. Start by opening the panel to reveal the inlet valves.
  2. Disconnect the valve from the tubes by disconnecting the hose clamp, which can be easily removed with either a screwdriver or a pair of pliers.
  3. Remove the wires from the old valve; you may wish to take a picture of them to know how to install the new ones.
  4. Remove the old valves; they can now be discarded.
  5. Install the new valves in their place and re-plug the wires back in using the same orientation.
  6. Reinstall the hoses and attach the panel back on.
  7. Start the machine up and test that the valves are working.

Preventing the Samsung Washer 4C code

Now that the 4c code is fixed, let’s look at how to prevent it from returning in the future. Keeping in mind that this problem is most commonly caused by a blockage, build-up, or debris, the best way to stop this from reoccurring is to clean the machine regularly.

Ideally, every 3 to 6 months, depending on usage frequency. This cleaning routine should include cleaning the drain hoses, filters, and detergent tray to make sure nothing can prevent water from flowing into the machine.

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