Washing Machine Not Spinning: 9 Fast & Easy Ways To Fix It

A functional washing machine is nothing you can compromise on. When the washer suddenly stops during a wash cycle, you will have unclean and soaking-wet clothes. All types of washers experience difficulties from time to time. A drum that no longer spins or suddenly stops spinning is a common complaint for various users.

Once the washer’s spin cycle stops, you will think the machine is no longer working. However, this issue might result from a simple malfunction that you can DIY troubleshoot. 

The only problem is that various reasons may lead to this situation. For instance, overloading the machine may cause a problem. Also, a problematic drive belt will eventually escalate this problem.

In this blog post, we’ll dive deeper into the causes behind this problem and possible solutions.

Why is your Washing Machine Not Spinning? 

A washer might stop spinning all of a sudden due to various reasons. Sometimes, it is a simple issue, like an unbalanced load or an overfilled drum. In other cases, the problem might result from frayed or broken hardware components, like the drive belt or a lid switch.

Now, it is time to delve into these causes and ways to diagnose the problem:

1. The Washer is Overloaded 

The heavy load of laundry may put more pressure on the washer’s engine and drum. This may make the washing machine unable to spin or even stop mid-cycle. The effect of continuous overloading won’t stop there. It may even disturb the spinning mechanism of the device. 

Increased wash loads may gradually damage the belt drive. It may also affect the drive motor. You can identify this problem when you exceed the weight limit mentioned in the user manual or displayed on the door. Also, when you are done loading your laundry and can’t reach the drum with your hand, you overload it.

2. The Legs Are Not Even 

You probably think this issue will make the washing machine only emit a loud noise and vibrate excessively. However, this problem may cause the machine to stop spinning. You can notice this issue with your eyes or use a spirit level.

3. Using the Wrong Detergent 

Generally, people think that all types of washing machines use similar detergents. However, top-loading washers use different detergents than front-loading washers. The difference lies in the levels of suds in the detergent.

For instance, a front-load washer needs less water but, in return, requires a high-efficiency detergent to substitute for the water. A top-loading washer can do just fine with regular detergent, which is typically cheaper but creates more foam.

So, using regular detergent for a front-loader makes it form increased suds. Such a thing the washer’s sensors translate into an increased load. Then, the drum won’t spin at its full capacity and may stop mid-cycle.

4. Defective Lid Switch

In all types of washers, a lid acts as a safety feature. When this switch is activated, the washer will operate safely. Moreover, the switch stops the machine whenever the lid opens. The lid mechanism relies on a protrusion that hits the switch when the lid is closed. 

A faulty lid switch occurs when its protrusion is damaged. This means that the machine will stop spinning suddenly. Also, a misaligned protrusion is one of the common reasons why a washer drum is no longer functional.

5. Bent Drain Hose 

This hose is responsible for removing water from the washer. When this hose does its job, the tub can refill with water. This role goes on until the washing cycle is over. The drum won’t pick up the spinning speed without a functional drainage hose. 

6. Clogged Drainage Hose 

This is another way the washer’s drain hose interferes with its spinning function. The hose is liable to clog since it is in charge of draining drainage water. This issue also affects the water flow in and out of the washer. Moreover, a defective hose contributes to a slower spin speed and may even prevent the drum from spinning. 

7. Broken Drive Belt 

A drive belt moves the machine’s tub in all types of washers. The belt must be wrapped around the pulleys on the motor drive and the tub to start an agitation cycle properly. A worn or damaged belt won’t allow the spin cycle to occur despite the washer motor running.

8. Burnt-out Drive Motor 

A drive motor gets the machine’s tub rotating clockwise and counter-clockwise. So, it is the main component in the washing and drying processes. You can diagnose this issue when the drum fails to spin or stops mid-cycle without visible reasons.

9. Frayed Motor Brushes

Carbon brushes are attached to the washer’s motor. They are responsible for transferring power to the motor’s armature. They play a critical role in the spinning of the drum as they connect it to the motor. As these brushes get worn out, no power will reach the drum. So typically, it won’t spin.

How to Fix a Washing Machine Not Spinning?

Fortunately, fixing a washing machine that is not spinning is often easy. All it takes is knowing the cause. Knowledge will guide you to finding the tools needed to fix the issue. In some cases, there are no tools required, though.

Here are reliable solutions for the problem of the washing machine not spinning:

1. Avoid Overloading the Washer 

This problem is easily dealt with and can be avoided in the first place. If you notice that overloading makes the drum not spin or stop spinning, you should not do it again. Unload some of the laundry until you can reach the drum. It also helps to avoid washing heavy items all at once.

You can wash one blanket at a time, as such items absorb water. This may double the weight of the item. This eventually overloads the machine, especially when there are more blankets. And always stick to the weight load written in the washing machine manual.

2.Make the Legs Even 

This is another simple issue to take care of on your own. You need to bring a screwdriver along. Unscrew the nuts of the machine’s front legs to bring them to the level of the back legs. You can measure the level with the spirit level if you doubt it.

Do not forget to tighten the screws again to ensure equal leveling of the front and back legs. 

3. Use the Right Detergent 

You can be sure you are using the wrong detergent when committed to the recommended weight, and the laundry still comes out soaking wet. Regular detergents create more foam and lather, which translates into an increased load. So, refer to the washer’s manual for insight on the right type of detergent.

4. Replace the Broken lid switch

Before ordering a new lid switch, fix the bent protrusion. If you suspect the lid closure is the culprit in this situation, you should perform a small test to be 100% sure. Performing this test includes:

  • Start by locating the lid in the front top part of the machine.
  • Activate the usual spin settings of your washer.
  • Press the switch with your finger to activate it.
  • If manually pressing the switch makes things work out, then the switch is problematic and must be replaced.

5. Change the Hose

A bent drain hose is, unfortunately, unfixable. You will have to get a replacement part and install it properly. If you are confused, you’d better consult a certified machine repair professional. But before going the extra mile, it is better to be sure of the hose’s condition.

Start by pulling out your washing machine to inspect the hose. You should immediately change the hose if there is a visible bent or kink.

6. Unclog the Drain Hose 

This hose usually gets clogged by lint buildup or debris passing with the laundry. This is why you should regularly clean it by removing any stuck buildup. You can do this by removing it from the washer, clearing it, and reinstalling it again.

7. Replace the Belt 

A washer drive belt may get damaged, but it can be fixed. It must be changed. However, you must be 100% sure of its malfunction before going for a replacement.

You can check the belt by pulling the washer out and checking the belt’s attachment to the pulleys. If it is not attached, it is a sign of damage. Check the manual to get the same belt your washer already has.

8. Change the Motor 

Troubleshooting a washer’s drive motor is a challenging DIY fix. It requires professional intervention. Whether you are looking for a simple fix or a whole replacement, a technician will have the proper knowledge.

9. Replace the Brushes

Replacing carbon brushes is manageable; you can find them online and offline. They are inexpensive, too. When you get the new replacement, make sure to get a new wire that connects them to the motor.

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